Blog Comments

  1. NightShade's Avatar
    When I get deliveries from Fedex, UPS, or USPS I leave detailed shipping instructions in their little box every time and also put a note at my door. I order a lot of computer parts through NewEgg and got tired of a generic package left at door message even when I have been at home only to find it on another floor in the building where I used to live or at the wrong apartment door. I started putting out a message on the outside of the door that packages were not to be left in an unsecured location and that drivers MUST get a signature. That forces the driver to wait and look you in the eye and also gave me a chance to say hey, I am not ordering a cheap book that can be left anywhere, and after a claim on about 300.00 in parts they got the idea.

    So far after starting this I have gotten to know the drivers and even if a wrong address is put on a package it ends up where it is supposed to be. Since we moved to Oklahoma City this has only changed slightly and the packages are left in the complex office if we are not able to receive it.
  2. drimo's Avatar
    I don't think Liveaquaria is outsourced. Notice the majority of the comment was about Dell.
  3. Rydr119's Avatar
    I didn't think to pick up from a Fedex location. I will do that next time. I have ordered from BlueZoo in the past as well. I didn't have a problem with them either just fedex leaving the box on my front porch with no knock or doorbell. I'm not a fan of outsourcing at all. I didn't know thats what Liveaquaria practiced.
  4. Nugburner's Avatar
    ya i have had several bad experiences with live aquaria and will never buy from them again. Another thing that bothers me is that the outsource their customer service to India. When i email them detailed questions i always get a generic response as if they are reading random generated responses off of a computer screen. The same exact type responses i get get when i call Dell support. The person on the other line has no clue about the product they sell, they only type the problem they receive into a computer and respond with what the computer has for an answer... the also tells me the could care less about the customer and only interested in making a sale. im also able to confirm this when the sign their name at the end of a email. usually their name will be Bob or Sally except the spell it Bobbx or Salzy or joxn( come on now.. you don't misspell your own name). I hate outsourcing so much! especially y with our flourishing economy. it super sweet and answer questions based on their experience and huge knowledge base. i love bluezooaquatics , give it a try
  5. Jessy's Avatar
    Good tip MarcG. I never would have thought of that.
  6. melev's Avatar
    I agree with MarcG. That's my preference as well, as you can get it at 9am that way.
  7. MarcG's Avatar
    At least everything is ok. If I can offer a piece of advice that I've gotten from other people as well, have the delivery sent to a FEDEX store near you that way no matter what happens it will be in a cool environment until you can pick it up.
  8. reefocd's Avatar
    Congratulations! You have just experienced Murphy's Law. Although, it could have turned out much worse. In this hobby, leave nothing to chance when live-stock in being transported. You did the right thing and micro-managed the process. Happy Reefing....
  9. Rydr119's Avatar
    Oh I was very happy about that
  10. drimo's Avatar
    The driver probably just grabbed the wrong package. It happens. At least your fish are going to be ok and LiveAquaria is returning your ship charge. That is something to be happy about!
  11. Rydr119's Avatar
    Last time I ordered fish (it was over a year ago I got a female flame wrasse) It came fedex and they got the right house but they just left it on my front porch and left. Didn't even knock or ring the doorbell. Thank goodness I was home waiting for them and I heard the truck pulling away. If I lived somewhere where the weather was a little less Hell like I could see that, but I live in South FL where its insane hot and I don't want to put cooked fish into my tank.
  12. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    That sucks. Hope they never do that to me...
  13. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Automation is cool.
  14. Saltnewbie's Avatar
    Marc has a full write up on setting up a calcium reactor on his The write up also talks about how calcium reactors work and how to dial them in.
  15. Rydr119's Avatar
    I have a calcium reactor that I bought before I even set up my current tank, I just never hooked it up. I don't know how to set it up or dial it in for that matter. I'll have to pull it out of the closet and see what kind it is and if I have all the necessary parts.
  16. Saltnewbie's Avatar
    yeah in the long run a calcium reactor is cheaper but the initial is way higher. If your able to fork out the money i would do the regulator will make it easier to dial in and is loads more reliable. If you dose you might concider a dosing pump. Bubble magus just released there programmable doser to make your everyday dosing easier. theres a lot you can do with both. You really cant say one is better then the other. Ive seem some awesome 180+ gallon tanks on the dosing method and in turn ive also seen great tanks running reactors. it boils down to initial cost are you able to purchase the equipment that is needed to run a reactor right. Do you want to have to make more calcium mag and alk everytime it runs low. But one thing that will be the same on both will be the dialing in process. daily testing and tweaking the setup.
  17. Mockery's Avatar
    It is a big toss up really. Here are some facts to consider.
    In the long run reactors are cheaper, compared to dosing.
    Dosing you have complete control over how much CA, Alk, and mag you add to the tank.
    Ca reactors run for 6 months without needing to be touched where reactors need more solution every week or so depending on resivor size.

    With these things to consider I went with the ca reactor.
  18. Hat39406's Avatar
    Welcome to Reef Addicts Gina! You will fing that "Most" of the people here are awesome, and very knowledgeable. Sorry to here about ya fish loss too!
  19. Midnight's Avatar
    Hi Gina, glad to have you are sorry to hear about the ick.
  20. melev's Avatar
    Good plan. I'm going, Jessy's going, and I think our webmaster is going as well.
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