Blog Comments

  1. tachorn's Avatar
    There is one big head and 3 small heads. Thanks for any info
  2. tachorn's Avatar
    My water has not changed, I had a power head fall while I was out of town and was pointed right at the coral. I am thinking that maybe what has caused it to draw up. I have a gsp and a few other soft corals that are doing really good.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    I actual bought Green Lobos that looked drawn in like that. They are beautiful now though. Usually when coral are dead algae will start growing in the dead areas. That's one way of knowing. Like JLemoine said, check ya water quality. Could a new fish be nipping at it? Did you move it? Change lighting? I find they are very strong coral. Good luck!
  4. jlemoine2's Avatar
    It looks like a lobo, but with the flesh drawn tight against the skeleton. I would say it's alive, but not very happy. The reddish color is a good indicator that it's not dead. The loss of the green could be in response to lighting. Have water parameters changed over the past month or so?
  5. melev's Avatar
    If you soak it and squeeze it out in bleach water for 5 to 10 minutes, I'm sure you can use it safely. The bleach will break down the other stuff (as well as the fabric somewhat). Rinse it well, stick it in a bucket of rinse water with some dechlorinator, then air dry it outside for a few hours.
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    the material is inert so id say it would be ok to clean it a few time soak and dry before using it again but for 10 to 20 bucks at a lfs id just trash it and get a new one to be safe
  7. tachorn's Avatar
    I dont either, it accidently got in with clothes. I was clean and laying on the washer drying. I am asking if it can still be used if it is washed in hot water and bleach
  8. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Ive never run mine thur the wash but i do run a rinse and drain cycle with alittle bleach with the washer empty then run the socks thur on sanitize with a cup of bleach about every 3rd time i clean them.
  9. melev's Avatar
    I've seen these in other reef tanks and they were considered a good guy. I got one but didn't get to enjoy free offspring, something I was counting on. It's a grazer and will eat algae. If you do want to extract it from your reef, it can live in your refugium and keep that zone cleaner.
  10. FlammySnake's Avatar
    Have seen orange variants of this limpet consuming soft coral and various zoanthids/palythoa. The black one is confirmed to do the same per Spung's "Reef Invertebrates". Good luck prying that thing out!
  11. tachorn's Avatar
    Yes very similar. I have seen one in the tank before but had no idea where to start trying to identify it.
    Thanks Mark, now of to do some research
  12. melev's Avatar
    Probably a Shield Limpet. Does it look like this:

  13. rossbryant1956's Avatar
    Everyone needs to check this out for themselves (may only be local) but I heard tonite on another board that Petco has a huge sale going on now. Some guy was talking about buying all these various snails for $0.99 each. I just brought my tank up and am almost in the market for a cleanup crew and thought this was a good price. Please advise if No.

    I purchased "complete idiots guide to salt water aquariums" (before i met this board, also primarily because it had drawings of plumbing and tank designs) but my point was it has sample clean up crews on page 193. I found that to be a good reference.
  14. melev's Avatar
    Get a couple of emerald crabs. Good call, Robb. Maybe even add a Porcelain Crab for fun since they are pretty neat to observe.
  15. Jato460's Avatar
    I got my cleaners from live aquaria and I highly suggest it because if you spend more than $60 on a cleaner pack you get free shipping and shipping is usually very expensive with livestock. (around $35) so if you only at $40 you can get 20 more dollars worth of cleaners without paying more.
  16. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    I've developed a fondness for emerald crabs over hermits.
  17. melev's Avatar
    I would get a bunch of tiny critters. I tend to stick to the idea of one snail per gallon.

    So 25 Astrea, 20 ceriths, 20 tiny blue leg hermits, 10 nassarius, 1 fighting conch (small), 1 cucumber, 1 serpent starfish. That's what I'd get. If you want red legs, get 10 instead of 20 blue legs. The best cucumber that looks nice is the Tigertail. You buy one and it will self-propagate over time. At one point, you'll have two or three of them.
  18. DJ in WV's Avatar
    garf has some good packages
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