Here are some more pictures of my Elos that I wanted to share with you. You can find the specs in my other blog posts. ...
Updated 09-14-2010 at 12:47 AM by bleachandvomit
Elos 70250w, 14k phoenixMP40W ESDA Reefkeeper lite2x Phosban reactors daisy chained150w Jager heater4x fan unit2x manual dosing containersBarebottom Mr. Aqua 17g24" T5HO SLR, 2x Aquablue+ (12k)DIY blue stunner strip in the mailMP10ES (Just upgraded 5 minutes ago from 1st gen)Arduino controller in the worksGlass holes 300gph overflow and return10g ...
Updated 09-10-2010 at 05:28 PM by bleachandvomit
Finally decided on my dream setup, so I went ahead and ordered an Elos 70 system. In a month or so I'll have all the parts delivered and ready to get wet, but in the meantime here's a product list. Hardware Elos 70 systemIcecap 250w pendant/ballast + 14k Phoenix bulbVortech mp40ESSpectrapure RO/DI (sorry Melev, saved on shipping!)50lbs. of 'reef saver' rock from BRSx2 American DJ 4-plug stripsAzoo quad fan My logic As this will be a species ...
I have a few questions pertaining to overflow mechanics. Ive decided on a 45g cube with an external overflow, however, I'm uncertain of what's best. 1. Do Durso overflows rely on siphon? I'd like to avoid any kind of suction and go with something that "drains" based off of the return pump's output. 2. I see lots of 6 drain-line complex plumbing mumbo jumbo setups around. Is this necessary? I was planning on just having a 500gph dual 1" overflow setup ...
First allow me to give an introduction of sorts. My name is Justin, and I'm currently deployed far far away from my mated maroon pair being cared for by my girlfriend (PLEASE BE ALIVE WHEN I GET BACK!). Being away from the tank for a year + the internet = tons of research and planning. I find myself at a crossroads and was hoping the community could give me some feedback. "Garden" tanks don't really tickle my fancy, as I feel concepts such as cross-species competition and chemical warfare ...