Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Heck, I may even make one for my new tank after I'm happy with placement.
  2. washingtond's Avatar
    Great job and it looks very professional. I have purchased all the material just have to put it all together. Hope that it looks as good as yours.
  3. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. I was very worried about ruining the simplicity as mentioned.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looks very nice! It doesn't take away from the simplicity of the setup, great job! ;-)
  5. melev's Avatar
    Looks great to me!
  6. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    You guys rock, I decided to make the screen.

    I used 1/4" BRS clear netting and it looks decent. Some might say it's sharp but most will frown upon ruining the clean Elos look.

    I feel the screen opened some possibilities so I'll be posting some shots and a "dream team" stocking list later.

    Thanks again for your input.
  7. Rydr119's Avatar
    I use the really tiny stuff for repairing screens. I have a closed canopy so I have the back and overflow covered. Its cheep and nothing can squeeze through that stuff.
  8. cmbspd's Avatar
    DUDE! You know the answer and I'm happy that you are going to cover your tank. There is nothing like coming home to your full grown blue morpho tang dried up on the floor. It absolutely sucks. I didn't think it would jump and didn't have my tank covered. That was simply stupid, very stupid. My gut still wrenches everytime I think about it. The 1/4" bird netting is nearly invisble. Go to sleep happy at least once a month thinking that it saved your wrasse's life.
  9. macdave's Avatar
    I like the rock work too! Are you using marco rock?
  10. melev's Avatar
    You just never know. I've had one in the angled tank for over a year and it never went near the surface. It loves to stay close to the rockwork. I moved it into the return section of my sump with the other livestock, and he seems happy there as well.

    Here's a write up on this fish, in case you didn't read it already:

    Getting a cover over your tank will help prevent untimely losses. For special moments, you can leave the cover off, but for the rest of the day it might be best to keep it in place.
  11. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    This is just the input I was looking for! For those of you who have had fish jump, did it happen at night or random?

    Going to Lowes tomorrow to get screen supplies, ordered 1/4" mesh from BRS.
  12. seapug's Avatar
    my mystery wrasse just jumped out last month after 1.5 years. I've had 4 wrasses jump out of my tank over the years. No more for me.
  13. agsansoo's Avatar
    I had a mystery wrasse for about six hour on Saturday, until my Arabian Pseudochromis killed it. That was a quick $60 down the drain.
  14. Rydr119's Avatar
    Get the top covered. Its not if but when it will take a leap of faith.
  15. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    I have a mystery wrasse, and haven't had any trouble with him jumping, or attempting to jump out of the tank. Beautiful fish.
  16. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Hi freewest,

    No, I used 3/4" conduit and found some 90 degree elbows for it. Tightened all the joints and then painted it with black fusion paint.
  17. freewest's Avatar
    nice setup! are you using black pvc to hang that light on the elos?
  18. Jessy's Avatar
    daaaaamn you've got some nice toys
  19. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    I made a new blog post that has some more pictures, let me know what you think.
  20. bleachandvomit's Avatar

    I used clay putty for the rockwork. Instant Ocean's for the Elos, and D-D Aquascape putty for the 17g. I do not recommend anyone use the D-D brand, what a mess.
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