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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. In need of some algae help!

    Earlier in the week I posted a request for an algae ID and i'm reaching out again for more help. I have been siphoning out algae for the last two weeks and it seems that although my problem has gotten better, it always seems to return just as quickly. Tested all of the water parameters and as far as I can tell the tank is testing within all parameters I tested.
    Currently my tank is experiencing what I believe are nitrogen bubbles across the rockwork. While the tank has been running for ...
  2. Gotta kick this algae mess!

    I have been fighting this algae in my 150g tank for a bit now and just need some ideas. Have bio-pellets running, do weekly 10% water changes with Red Sea Coral Pro Salt, and have tested everything I can possibly think to test in the tank. Unfortunately I wont have a decent digital camera for a few more days so this is the best I can do.
