Blog Comments

  1. gerbilbox's Avatar
    This guy should be on PBS's "The Secret Life of Scientists" series.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wow, that is pretty fast on two wheels! Nice article. ;-)
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Ha. Nice. What a variety of hobbies.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hello, I love the way you set the liverock in your tank! Your selection of colorful corals are beautiful. Your tanks really going to be awesome when all the frags grow. Do you have more pics? (newer ones)
    Updated 04-28-2010 at 08:43 AM by Hat39406
  5. melev's Avatar
    I've been keeping Dendros for the past few years, and every few months one polyp just withers away. I've never figured out what the cause is, although a drop in alkalinity was the reason a few times. It's frustrating because I feed mine every night with mini-mysis, and the only time they are not fed is when I'm out of town for a few days. So they probably get a meal 330 days a year.
  6. Snakebyt's Avatar
    thanks for the links, i will do some reading, they are in a pretty low flow area right now, maybe ill move them and see how they do
  7. DIYreefer's Avatar
    Man, it feels like I am spamming you. I ran across another piece of info here on reefaddicts. They seem to do some pretty extreme water changes to keep up with the required nutrient levels.
  8. DIYreefer's Avatar
    By the way I found an old article on Dendros that may help.Here is the link.
  9. DIYreefer's Avatar
    What are you feeding them, and how high is the flow where they are at. Most of what I have read on dendos say they like a medium high to high flow areas. They tend to extend more into the flow to hunt. They also are reported to go crazy for oyster eggs. Dendros also seem to have a reported short life span in captivity because of their high nutritional needs. Which tends to peak phosphate levels. Some people suggest a constant phyto drip and additional feedings of brine, tiger shrimp and oyster eggs. But I have not had one myself, and second hand knowledge being what it is. Take it with a grain of salt. Don't mind the pun. It wasn't intentional.
  10. VulcanRider's Avatar
    I like the colors, my tank is missing color. Everything is like pale pink.
  11. Snakebyt's Avatar
    thanks Marc, they arent near as nice as yours. I am lovin the solid siphon idea, working out really well, no salt creep in the sump area
  12. melev's Avatar
    It's nice to see your tank finally. I don't think I ever came across your thread on RC. Look at all those Mean Greens.

    The silent siphon seems like a nice solution, thanks for sharing that with us.
  13. Jamest's Avatar
    Nice pics. Look forward to seeing more as your tank grows.
  14. Snakebyt's Avatar
    36x18x16 perfect size for a smaller tank IMO
  15. Jessy's Avatar
    nice pics. What are the dims on a 40 gal breeder?
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