Blog Comments

  1. Jaxom's Avatar
    Excellent pictures, I really love your tank, you've done well.
  2. syedjilani's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Your tank is looking great. I really like the right side and how it grows to overhang above the leathers and zoas.
    Thanks melev....
  3. melev's Avatar
    Your tank is looking great. I really like the right side and how it grows to overhang above the leathers and zoas.
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Very nice looking tank
  5. reefocd's Avatar

    Looks like SPS coral really like you. Have you posted your "Secret formula" for making all those coral so happy Always interested in what someone does regarding water chemistry, dosing, trace elements, parms and lighting periods to have such success.... If you've posted before, please pass me a link.... Congrats!
  6. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Very nice. Love all the vibrant colors.
  7. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Beautiful, just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Jongorman's Avatar
    Very impressed!
  9. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Beautiful tank, loved the videos. Gives us a different view of your tank. Thanks again.
  10. MarcG's Avatar
    I have XM10K right now, and I'm going to be switching to Radium 20K.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Syedjilani, your tank animals really grew out nicely, beautiful tank!!! ;-)
  12. Jessy's Avatar
    I don't know anything about those brands at all. But I do know that I always trust Salifert and so do a lot of the reefers in my local clubs and forums.

    Though I'm doing some reading and I think hanna may also be reputable for Phosphate as well. For all other test kits stick to salifert.

    EDIT: I just noticed that the nitrate salifert kits are not in stock. I don't have anything else to recommend for you other than that kit.
  13. syedjilani's Avatar
    Thaks jessy,

    what ever is final from your people side. I will order from USA. Nothing available in Saudi Available.

    What you say about :
    Hanna Pocket Photometer Phosphate

    LaMotte Low Range Nitrate Test Kit
  14. Jessy's Avatar
    Do you have access to salifert? They always have accurate results for me.
  15. MarcG's Avatar
    LOL it reminds of of the Flood on Halo
  16. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    The fact that it's defense mechanism is to burst into babies reminds me of aiptasia...
  17. Rydr119's Avatar
    Its like something from a science fiction movie
  18. Gozer_1's Avatar
    MarcG that is one bunch of gross creepy crawly worms. Lol, very interesting though.
  19. Gozer_1's Avatar
    Snake surprise! Ugh, marine worms gross me out for the most part. This one is surely in that category.
  20. MarcG's Avatar
    That is incredible! I'm not sure what it is, but here's a site that might help you identify it:
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