Blog Comments

  1. NightShade's Avatar
    Sweet deal, Soon I bet you will have more snails than you will know what to do with. But I can bet some local reefers wouldn't mind extra's when you have them.
  2. MarcG's Avatar
    ? I don't have kids. Or do you mean in her classroom?
    Updated 07-03-2010 at 09:04 PM by MarcG
  3. upster's Avatar
    Great pics! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the efforts you and your wife take for the kids. My hat is off to you both.
  4. MarcG's Avatar
    Thanks! I've had that plate for a LONG time. It's about the size of a moon pie lol! I picked out that clam for it's lighter color and I actually traded it for a redsea wavemaker. I've never seen mushrooms like that but I want more!
  5. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    I LOVE the mouths on the fungia!! and that mushroom is fantastic. oh and the CLAM i love clams. I wish my LFS would get things in this nice, but if he did he would just kill them.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah, I think Melev told me when I had the ich to go 6 to 8 weeks. I was going to go for the 8 weeks to make sure. I had an expensive loss too! I was waiting to the max to make sure it was gone.
  7. MarcG's Avatar
    Thanks Hat! I've heard a couple of different things as to how long I should leave the tank fishless, from 1 month to 2 months. I'm probably not going to get any fish until after the wedding at the end of July. That should leave any doubt to rest since I started this a couple of weeks ago.
  8. Hat39406's Avatar
    Awesome pics Marc! I'm glad you have the biocube and its doing good for ya. Good luck with ya big tank too, in time it will get rid of the ich.
  9. MarcG's Avatar
    not that I know of. I'm just leaving my tank bare for now. I'm feeding my corals every now and then and just trying to get my take stable before I try anything.
  10. DrDelay's Avatar
    I am also treating for ich. My tank is still a new setup with no corals or inverts so i just treated my tank rather then switching them to the QT tank. When I have treated for ich in the past I have had no problems, was there any signs of an underlying bacterial infection or something? Anything that seemed unusual to ich?
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Sorry to hear that you lost so many fish. I lost a powder blue tang, scopas tang, and two clowns recently due to ich. It's heart breaking for sure.
  12. freewest's Avatar
    I'm not an expert, but if you think your meds are killing your fish you could try hyposalinity instead. if your nitrates are high you could also add some chaeto to your qt tank. Hopefully an expert will chime in here. Good luck.
  13. BigAl07's Avatar
    I'veh ad several and the only "Inking" I had was as one was "Expiring" and I insisted on getting it OUT of the tank before a Nuclear Explosion happened LOL! Well it was a 10g tank and even though the animal did expire and did INK I lost nothing in the tank.

    I've had many different KINDS of SeaHare and my understanding is that the Blue-Spot is the most potent in regards to harming the tank. I've had the "run of the mill" brown ones (can't remember exact name off the bat) and even have one now that's going on 18 months old.

    Regardless HELLO and WELCOME!!
  14. Hat39406's Avatar
    I use to have a sea hare and never experienced that. Welcome to the site MarcG!
  15. MarcG's Avatar
    I only read about it, but everyone said that they never saw it actually happen. I guess i just pissed it off a little too much.
  16. melev's Avatar
    Marc, be careful!

    For some reason, I didn't know (or don't recall) that they ink at all. I guess I'm all caught up by their cuteness (they look like a bunny to me); I've never owned one myself.
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