Blog Comments

  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Austin, i'm glad to here it starting to look better. Good news is always nice with cyano. Keep us posted on the progress.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Craig, you don't have to worry about vodka for a long time, but here's some light reading for you:
  3. austin93's Avatar
    MB7 is a bacterial product from Brightwell Aquatics. It adds another source of bacteria to the tank to theoretically, outcompete the cyano for nutrients. The vodka is a food for bacteria. It is basically a poor mans zeovit system.
  4. cfsindorf's Avatar
    Ok what is this MB7 and shareing me vodka with my reef? What does vodka do?
  5. melev's Avatar
    If you do some research on Cyano bacteria, you'll quickly find out that it is a normal part of our biological filtration in our systems, as it is in the oceans and streams. It usually is invisible so we never give it a second's thought. Once visible though, all bets are off. It isn't that we are doing a bad job; things have just lined up perfectly to the point that it has bloomed. I discuss this somewhat in this article:
  6. austin93's Avatar
    I have heard a lot of positive feedback in it. I used it when I first started the bacterial driven system thing via a Neozeo system. I didn't have cyano for about 18 months while dosing that and ultimately zeovit. I hear you about risking the sps, I have tried lights out before and just don't think its a long term solution. Kind of like using chemi-clean, its just a band aid and whatever caused the original problem will just reoccur.
  7. melev's Avatar
    That's the trick, finding the perfect balance to avoid a bloom and promote a healthy bacterial population at the same time. I just talked to a friend of mine, and he swears that 3 days of darkness every month is the solution. He loves it. I told him that I'd down it myself three years ago and it worked well, but hadn't since. He agreed I have quite a bit of SPS so there question is whether I'm willing to risk it or not.

    I've not dosed anything other than Vodka for two years this July, and for the past couple of months cyano has been on my nerves. Not enough to panic, but it's just not pleasant to see. I've never tried MB7.
  8. austin93's Avatar
    Thanks for the input, but that might be oversimplifying the situation. I have heard this offered many times in the different circles and think this can be successful, I just don't think its a long term solution as there is something that causes this to occur. I have already ordered the mb7 and believe in the science behind adding a bacterial boost to outcompete the cyano.
  9. ex-neo's Avatar
    turn your lights off for 2-3 days and you can control the cyano
  10. austin93's Avatar
    I ran a BA neozeo system for a long time and was never happy. That's why I switched to zeovit. Still have a bottle of the stuff in the basement. I have a low opinion of the company actually, do a search about what randy has to say about them for another opinion on reefcentral. It was nice to be able to send an email and hear from Chris himself.
  11. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    The reef fuel is made by brightwell to be used mainly in conjunction with the neozeo method. It's not an amino acid mix.
    Updated 04-30-2010 at 09:20 PM by CaelCynndarr (adding information)
  12. austin93's Avatar
    Thanks for the info on how the blog thing works, I would have just kept making comments here forever. CaelCynndarr, I have used a few different things on the tank, is reef fuel from seachem? If that is the amino acid mix they sell, I have used it and was not impressed. Its use coincided with a major cyano issue in the old tank about 2 years ago. May not have caused the problem, but I am still not impressed.
  13. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    have you tried dosing just reef fuel yet? that could help, it's supposed to be a vodka substitute. Nice tank!! I wish i could incorporate a larger tank into my budget/house
  14. melev's Avatar
    It is normal as part of the maturation process of your system. However, over time it will resurface only to annoy you, when conditions are perfectly aligned for a cyano bloom. If you can't stand it, that article will give you a few options.

    FYI - the way blogs work, next time you have an update of any kind, simply make a new entry with all the details. Anyone that subscribes to your blog (under your profile picture on the right) will be notified via email to see what you've entered.
  15. austin93's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hat39406
    Very Clean Austin93, nice!
    Thank you for the compliment. I will post more pix soon. I have added some new fish since these were taken.
  16. austin93's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    That's a very sturdy stand you have there. And to think, the walls of your aquarium are maybe 3/8" to 1/2" thick, by comparison. lol

    Have you read the article on Cyano bacteria yet?

    Do you think it will be strong enough? Ha! Ha! Maybe a little overkill, but I figure what the heck, I just have to move it twice anyway (once to put it in its spot and once to get it out of the way when I upgrade again.). The floor under the tank had to be reinforced too, I doubled up on 2x10" joists under the tank and added a floor jack to support the load. I will definitely be checking out the article on cyano as it has gotten even worse since yesterday. Is this normal for a newish tank or should I be thinking about adding a bacteria product to the mix to outcompete the stuff?
  17. austin93's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Douwant2play
    that is a nice tank, what are the dimensions of the tank?
    Thanks for the compliment, I am very happy with the dimensions. Its 48" long x 30" deep x 24" high. It is sitting on a 40" tall stand which makes for a nice effect.
  18. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very Clean Austin93, nice!
  19. melev's Avatar
    That's a very sturdy stand you have there. And to think, the walls of your aquarium are maybe 3/8" to 1/2" thick, by comparison. lol

    Have you read the article on Cyano bacteria yet?
  20. Douwant2play's Avatar
    that is a nice tank, what are the dimensions of the tank?