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  1. Brightwell Aquatics vitamin C?

    I am curious to know if anyone else uses this product and if so, what kind of results are you seeing? Basically, the company info sounds promising but I want to know if it is a rip off. Thanks!
    Water Chemistry
  2. Tank profile/more lighting questions

    This is my second post. My first was about lighting. My current set up is a 55g fish only tank right now(due to lack of necessary lighting), and I have a CPR hang on the back refugium/skimmer which is 4.7gallons. Nitrates are <1ppm with this set up and I am pretty happy. As far as the lighting goes, I think I am gonna go with T5's. My specific question is will an 8x54watt fixture be too much for my tank? I just want to be able to keep sps and lps. I will try to post pics soon.
    Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Lighting
  3. 55g lighting questions

    I have a 55g tank with fish and live rock right now. My current lighting fixture is a current usa pc set up with 2 white lights and 2 blue. I want to get a light fixture that will allow me to keep any kind of corals that I want. What are your suggestions? Metal Halide or T5? Thanks guys!