Blog Comments

  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Is part three still coming?
  2. melev's Avatar
    Looking forward to it.
  3. Wes's Avatar
    i know i know i know...ill write up the sump build soon, promise!
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Where's part 3?
  5. melev's Avatar
    I wonder where you could get such a thing.
  6. Wes's Avatar
    thanks, I am really wanting to get this going soon so I'm trying to work at it a little each day. Next I will need a portable acrylic tank for those swaps
  7. melev's Avatar
    It's coming along nicely. Just think, soon you'll have too many frags when it's time for our frag swaps. You'll be the next Robert.
  8. Wes's Avatar
    I am actually looking forward to doing it, and I hope it will be interesting and informative to at least a couple. Thanks for tagging along ya'll and i'll see ya soon Marc, promise!
  9. Mits's Avatar
    Looks interesting, I'll have to hitch onto this one and see how it comes along!
  10. melev's Avatar
    Nice to see you over here Wes. I look forward to reading your documented progress, and I still want to get you on the podcast at some point.
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