Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Congrats! You'll love it.
  2. gist41980's Avatar
    That is my dream tank. I just went to someone's house who has one. I think you are going to like it.......a lot.....a whole lot!
  3. baker.shawn's Avatar
    definitly my next tank! and my LFS has starphires for 1300 this week
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I like those dd tank
  5. melev's Avatar
    Great video! I like how you did a recap about your system for us. And I like your metal bony fish on the refugium.

    I hope you will hang out here a little bit as well.
  6. melev's Avatar
    What happened to your original picture? I'll check out your video now.
  7. Crow's Avatar
    Lets see if this will help! lol

  8. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    Crow likes suspense, I see.
  9. 2frosty4u's Avatar
    I see the same 14 that cdmorrison found. The other 2 must be camera shy.
  10. Jessy's Avatar
    I see 14 and what possibly could be a chromis turned sideways making at least 5 chromi?
  11. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    I counted 14. 4 yellow tangs, 1 sailfin tang, 4 chromis, 2 black percs, 2 clowns, 1 firefish. Where/what are the other two?
  12. austin93's Avatar
    I only found 10 .
  13. melev's Avatar
    I see seven fish. Get some more. LOL
  14. ottoruss's Avatar
    this is a fun game: i count 3 yellow tangs, 3 chromis, 2 black and white false percula clownfish, 2 clown fish, and a koran anglefish im short 5 fish