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The 5.5 Gallon Nano tank

This is my blog for my 5.5 gallon Nano or pico or whatever, I lost track of what these things are called when they are under 10 gallons. Seems to be a different terminology between almost everyone in the hobby. I started this tank because I hadn't had a tank up for almost a year before 2/28/2010 and due to limited space and not knowing where I was going to be in the future the 5.5 offered everything I wanted. This is my second small tank the first one I had was a 2.5 and that was just too small. that tank filled up very quick and then was destroyed by an irresponsible apartment sitter while I was on vacation. Let's just say that the tnak was contaminated with Beer when I got back. I was pretty upset! In the past I have owned a 14 gallon Aquapod, 20 Long, 20 Tall, 125, 40 Breeder (my second favorite tank), and now the 5.5. This tank has really been the best tank I have had by far, and it is the first tank that I have actually been content with.

  1. A few new products tried

    On Saturday I finally got around to trying Coral RX, Flatworm Exit, and cyclopeeze. I noticed about a week ago some red flat worms showing up in my tank. Couldn't find a lot of them but seeing them to begin with had my a little upset . So I went on line and ordered FWE, Coral RX and Cyclopeeze. The first thing I tried was the coral RX, since none of my corals are glued in permanent places yet, I took all of them out and followed the directions on the bottle of 4 capfuls per 1 gallon of ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Feeding , ‎ Random Thoughts
  2. POD Eating my Palys!!!

    So recently My palys skirts have been looking really bad, and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I looked for Sundials, Zoa Spiders, Nudi, Nudi eggs and couldn't find anything! Well tonight while I was checking on Livestock while lights were out I saw the biggest pod ever! And he was munching on the skirt of these palys! Which is sort of a relief to me, since I know its not any of the other pests, but how do I kill this Monster! I have some CoralRX coming in soon, maybe I'll give it ...
    Tank Entry
  3. Basic college chemistry? Anyone??

    So I have a chemistry final today and I am stuck on one of my review problems and the prof. doesn't want to help me set this up to get the correct answer, I believe because a similar problem will be on the exam. Anyway if anybody is a chem major/teacher/enthusiast/just knows some chemistry can you help me out? Here is the problem that has kept me awake the past few nights (and for once its not the fault of my tank!):

    A 100.g iron ball(specific Heat = 0.473 J/g*C) is heated to 125*C ...
    Random Thoughts
  4. New Zoanthid frag

    Went to the LFS today to find some Cyclopeez and instead came home with a new frag. They get me everytime! Anyway this was looking to good to pass up and was aquacultured, well at least that's how it was labeled.