Blog Comments

  1. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    Well I got this for free at a local reef club meet
    I should get some pompom but the local propagator doesn't frag his too often
  2. melev's Avatar
    Xenia can be a great tank barometer. My preference is Pompom Xenia, as it is prettier.
  3. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    I added water at least once a day. I never had many problems with it. Livestock in the ten was very limited, just the clowns and a clown goby back then.

    All the frags are young at the moment so I don't need to prune too much yet
    the xenia needs to be fragged soon but that's the only thing growing in monumental leaps.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Ah - sorry about that. I was thinking how you much prune your corals back frequently due to the limited space in your tank, like how one would prune a bonsai tree to stay pretty with its miniature scale. I had a 29g for seven years, and every inch counted.

    It must have been challenging to keep livestock alive in a 10g, since evaporation can really hit salinity hard if it isn't kept up with constantly.
  5. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    I LOVE my tank!!
    My user is actually the name of a videogame character from the ninties.

    May I inquire about "bonsai style"?
  6. melev's Avatar
    How do you like your little reef tank? You're keeping it bonsai-style, no doubt.

    What does your username mean?
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