Blog Comments

  1. baker.shawn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hat39406
    Your tank is gorgeous as usual Shawn!
    Thanks HAT, it looks like youve been busy with the tank, everything looks diffrent, did you add more LR?
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Your tank is gorgeous as usual Shawn!
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Come on Reef Addicts, let's seer those FTS'!!!
  4. baker.shawn's Avatar
    Here is my tank! I haven't really done anything except move my Acans which are exploding with new heads, and I've take My chalice out of my overflow...these pictures were take with my iPhone so they are not the best

    Updated 03-02-2012 at 11:58 AM by baker.shawn
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    I am happy to say that Premium Aquatics is on top of things when you make an order. I ordered more stuff on Tuesday and it should be delivered this afternoon. It may be because I have been ordering from them for a few years or they just like being prompt. Either way I like it.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Cyano, yes it is a toadstool. It has split in two since I've had it and now one of them is splitting again. I've had awesome growth on all my corals before moving the reef "again" this past weekend. Hopefully, the growth rate will continue.
  7. gist41980's Avatar
    cyano, I have a Marineland 93gallon Cube. 30x30x24. I have the AI Sol Blue LED lights, really makes the colors pop.
  8. cyano's Avatar
    Oh and I know you are looking forward to that midnight, nothing like the fun and thrill of a new setup to help you lose sleep at night! I myself can't wait to get my new skimmer, sump, auto top off, and sump plumbed in and running this weekend though I did get a bit of hassle from Coralvue since they are out of Louisiana and Mardi Gras was going on, then they didn't have the reactor I wanted so my dealer ordered me a 110 for my troubles instead and they apparently forgot to send my order monday so when he talked to them today they had decided to rush the shipping and send me an even larger reactor (a 140) at no additional cost to me so now I have an extremely over sized bio pellet reactor heading my way which you know I would have preferred they send a bigger skimmer instead but oh well, lol
  9. Midnight's Avatar
    I'll post a real pic when the lights even out. that's where the new tank is going though.
  10. cyano's Avatar
    LOL, midnight thats like me posting a picture of caulerpa and hair algae....

    @gist I am sure I have read it before but what size tank is that you have? also I love your sps growth and coloration!

    @hat is that a toadstool leather in lower left of your tank? how long have you had it and has it tried to "climb" up higher in your tank?
  11. Midnight's Avatar
  12. Hat39406's Avatar
    Ya tank looks awesome Gist! I love all the colors.
  13. gist41980's Avatar
    I am playing hospital tank for a couple scolys that were in someone else's tank
  14. Hat39406's Avatar
    Also, I'm sorry for the poor picture. One thing good-is that I really like the Rick-scape.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    I added my pic. As you can notice I have a new rock-scape. Well I moved my tank once more. Long story I'd rather not get into. 2 fish are missing and a torch coral was lost.
  16. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey, it looks great though. Sometimes the blue drowns out some corals. The color in your tank looks great to me.
  17. agsansoo's Avatar
    Thanks Hat. I changed my bulbs back to Reeflux 12K's. They don't have the blue punch that the XM 20K's had.
  18. Hat39406's Avatar
    Agsansoo, your tank has awesome growth!!! Wow! Looks great.
  19. agsansoo's Avatar
    OK, I'm back ... LOL

  20. agsansoo's Avatar
    Will post my FTS when the lights come on. I took a photo this weekend, but the colors are all washed out.

    Will try again in a few hours.
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