Blog Comments

  1. joncd's Avatar
    Use this to remove aiptasia.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thank you for the info! Yeah its probably a sponge. How do I get rid of the aiptasia?
  3. MeVsTheWorld's Avatar
    Not sure what that is, maybe a sponge???? The paly rock has aiptasia on it, get them out now or it could cause trouble. Good luck with the trap!!!
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks for the info Melev, I will play with it, and clean it like you say. I never had a skimmer before. This might sound crazy because I don't know how fast they suppose to work but my wife and I noticed a difference shortly after I installed it, a few hours.
  5. melev's Avatar
    The principle of skimming is for the body (reaction chamber) to fill up with lots of tiny bubbles. By adjusting the water level (usually the exiting port), you can raise or lower the foam to the point where you want it to maintain its height. Some skimmers, the foam should be bubbling right at the base of the neck / riser tube that leads to the cup. Others, you want it halfway up the riser tube. Some keep it bubbling within 1" of the inner ring inside the cup.

    If it is set to skim wet, with the bubbles very high in the skimmer, the skimmate collected will be very watery and relatively clear with a little tint like tea. The risk is that it will overflow the cup all of a sudden, which can make a mess -- especially with an external skimmer or a HOB skimmer.

    If the skimmer is set to skim dry, the cup collects very little liquid and the neck / riser tube usually builds up a thick slime of skimmate. The bubbles are further away from the cup, which limits how much can be exported.

    What you want to do is find the sweet spot for your system. I recommend cleaning the cup and riser tube often. Daily is best, but at least every few days at the minimum. Otherwise if the skimmer does overflow for some reason, you don't dump all that waste back into the tank, or elsewhere!
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    If I don't catch the fish this way I might try feedind them with a net. I don't see foam in the cup yet, but I'm starting to see water droplets. Is that a good sign that it is beginning to work?
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    Ok...thanks Melev.
  8. melev's Avatar
    Some have tried putting food in the net and feeding their tank like that every day. The fish get used to it, and the day you want to catch the specific fish, scoop him up.

    That being said, I've never done it. hehe

    How the skimmer doing? Do you think you've got it set correctly now?
  9. melev's Avatar
    You can attach a picture as well, in the blog entry. In a comment, you need to use a URL it seems.
  10. Hat39406's Avatar
    Tried to upload pic but the only option I had was to put in URL of the image..seems it does that some time...I don't know, will try again later.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    I'm colorblind with the vision I do have, for example I can't see yellow highlights on white paper. I normally can see bright colors though. I have most problems with dark colors-blues look blackand anyreal dark color looks black.
  12. Hat39406's Avatar
    Bait is set! I used 20oz. Bottle with slits tomaybe keep him in the bottle. I took pic, will upload to computer in a bit to post.
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks Robicts, i'mgoing to try that. Good info!
  14. robicts's Avatar
    I used a fish trap made out of a soda bottle to catch my tang once. i caught a couple of my other fish in the process too (a damsel and a cardinal). just put ori or some other food in the bottle and let it sit on the bottom of your tank for a couple of days; eventually they will get curious. Here is a website that shows you how to make one its pretty easy all you need is scissors and a liter soda bottle.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah, I really hope I don't have to do that.
  16. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Sorry, can't help you there. If you figure out one let me know! I had to remove nearly all my rock work to get one out of my tank.
  17. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah I hav done that before. I was thinking someone had some tips for me, other then that.
  18. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    tear it apart and corner it. The only sure fire way. I could never catch mine until i tore the tank down
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Anyone know of a good way to get the damsel out?
    Updated 04-25-2010 at 09:54 PM by Hat39406
  20. Hat39406's Avatar
    Ok, thanks for the info! I'll have to see how it goes. Maybe that will give me a reason to get a bigger tank. ;-)