Blog Comments

  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks Agsansoo, I really appreciate it!
  2. agsansoo's Avatar
    Tank is looking real good !
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    That's cool Gist! This is my first one. never used Utube before. Pretty cool once you use it.

    Here is a question for y'all out in Reef Addictville. What program do ya use to edit, add music and add words to a video?
  4. gist41980's Avatar
    Great stuff. I love videos. You have inspired me to shoot some video and get it up here some time in the next couple of days!
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    I figured it out. I hop y'all enjoy the video!
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Marc, what am I doing wrong with the tube URL? I never used tube before.
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hahah I knew someone would say that. ;-p Im alway on this site with my iPhone. I can't upload pics to the site with it though. I need to send the pics to my computer. I love using my iPhone because I can make my fonts bigger. My screen reader for my computer will not work on my new computer.

    I will add pics in a while.
  8. agsansoo's Avatar
    We need pictures too !
  9. Hat39406's Avatar
    Agsansoo, awesome tank! The next time I see a bi-color Angel like that in the lfs I'm going to give it a try. They are so beautiful.

    Marc, for being 6 months old ya tank sure does rock!
  10. melev's Avatar
    Here's my FTS finally.

  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Sorry about not having an update with pics sooner but they may have a change in plans and I've been very busy. I possibly can smell a big upgrade coming!

    I did the water test on the sump and I didn't have any leaks. I have new sump, protein skimmer, sock holder and new Next Reef reactor with new Mag5 pump sitting in my office waiting to be installed.

    Will update soon when I find out if the upgrades a go.

  12. Hat39406's Avatar
    Show us your Full Tank Shot Reef Addicts!! Let's all participate so we can keep this monthly tread gone.


  13. agsansoo's Avatar
    Here's mine from today !

  14. Hat39406's Avatar
    Lol, I hope it doesn't leak. I used a lot of silicone on it for sure. Ya know I can't see, so I really did it by touch, lol, that's why I used so much silicone. Hahhahah Had to send wife yesterday to get me some more.
  15. Midnight's Avatar
    didn't you leak test tank before deciding to use it for a sump? Just giving you crap Henry, though leaking from chamber to chamber, unless extreme, will not make a difference.
  16. Hat39406's Avatar
    Finished siliconing in the last baffle a while ago. Now I just have to wait 24 hours for it to dry so I can do a water leak test. Will post pics a little later.
    Updated 08-05-2011 at 11:45 AM by Hat39406
  17. Hat39406's Avatar
    Come on Reef Addicts, every one participate so we can have a great on-lime reefing community here. Let's see them FULL TANK SHOTS for August!
  18. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Cruelle, your tank is like super clean. I like that rock-work too! Thank you too! My corals are growin in full. I've lost a few though. When I did a three day lights out it totally killed my Bubble coral. And my sand sifting starfish dumped a lot of sand on one of my plates and almost killed it; I'm doctoring it now. Looks like it might make it, I'm hoping.
  19. cruelle's Avatar
    Here is my shot!!

    Hat your corals are fill in so nice..tank is really looking sharp!
  20. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Matt, can't wait till Wednesday!

    Marc, awesome can't wait!

    ***Let's See Those FTS' Reef Addicts!!!***
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