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Water Chemistry

Test kit results

  1. Chemi-Clean and Skimmer Cleaning

    So today I decided to deal with the Cyano that started in my new frag tank that was connected to the system during the summer. I believe the initial outbreak was a combination of: 20 lbs of new sand and the new acrylic frag tank itself. It has been mentioned in a few publications that new plastic parts initially leach a few things like silicates and such into the water column. Anyway the Cyano started there and only moved to the display upon me moving some frags to the display.

    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry , ‎ Equipment
  2. vacuuming overflows

    Marc, you mentioned cleaning your over flow out in your recent article...curious if you have heard of anyone using that area as a deep sand bed? particularly in my tank the outlet from the overflows is at the top going out the back, no stand pipe to worry about cleaning and such. At the base of my overflows there is .25 to .5" of mud and bristles and pods. Just food for thought
  3. DIY Calcium questions

    The plan: 22in tall 6in diameter single chamber reactor(can add second chamber later if wanted.) The reactor has to be leak proof or I will have to add onto my sump which does not have space for it. I will use a mag 7 or 9 pump for recirculation and come off of my return for feed water(may use a small power head.) It will have a probe port on the reactor and a bubble counter.

    Few questions:

    what do I make the probe holder out of?

    I have seen other ...
  4. Calcium Reactor input

    Hey I am putting this list together for Xmas and I am looking at to different calcium reactors and need some input:

    and also this one

    I have never had a calcium reactor before, so I can't begin to say which is more worth their value.
  5. Ordered Nextreef Reactor

    So, I have been battling this ugly purple/brown and green slime junk problem in my tank for a few months now. My tank is still fairly young about 8months old. I have a total of three fish and three corals and a Green bta. I feed only once a day, My nitrates and and phosphates are undetectable but the slime may be using it up. My chaeto is not growing that fast. So I have decided to try the EcoBak pellets in the Nextreef SMR1 reactor. I ordered the reactor through Marine Depot and the media ...
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