Blog Comments

  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    No, the polyps are not fully extended in that photo. They'll each look like small feather dusters when fully open.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Mine is the most finicky coral I have. It'll go from fully open, to closed up looking like it's dying, then back to full open an happy again sometimes a couple times over the course of a day. But it keep growing.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Yes, it should be fine. Those are pretty hardy corals.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    ok, cool, thanks guys I just was worried that it was horribly unhappy
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    I know different animal but when I moved everything to the larger tank my blue ridge coral sHed like Diablo said and then it was fine in a few days. Thanks for ya FTS! ;-)
    Updated 07-08-2010 at 12:21 AM by Hat39406
  6. diablo30xp's Avatar
    its going to shed from what i c. The shinyness on top is the skin that will shed. Mine do it from time to time. Just give it a few days.
  7. T5FL's Avatar
    I have mine mid point and in a area with less flow and they seem to be happy. Maybe try a new spot in the tank?
  8. Midnight's Avatar
    I have 4 t5 actinics and 2x 250 MH one is 10k and one is 14k ...soon I will be replacing the 10k as I like the 15k better. the toadstoll is just above the mid point in a 30in tall tank. the tank is a flat back hex which is what the blurry line is on the FTS.
  9. T5FL's Avatar
    I put a couple of new toadstools in my tank and it took a few days for them to settle in, what kind of lighting do you have?
  10. Mits's Avatar
    RBTA's get really large. Mine used to be less than 2 inches and mangled from a powerhead. Now it's between 12 and 18 inches on a normal day. I used to have one of those toadstools drop babies too. Pretty cool if you can use them for trades.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Okay, thanks Midnight!
  12. Midnight's Avatar
    Right now my wife is out with the camera so I will have to post FTS later
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Heh, you might want to read the above comment again. Because I'm blind I almost alway edit my comments after I post and since you replied fast before I could edit I think you missed a question. Sorry I'm slow! ;-p
  14. Midnight's Avatar
    Yes it is a toadstool leather. he is about 1.5" in diameter. The roses are nice but I believe they don't get as large. So if you have a pair of clowns they might be too much for it. By the way, anyone no if the polyps in this pick and fully extended. They are more extended than what it was in the LFS so I am not sure
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice Midnight! Is that a toadstool? I want one but haven't seen one at the LFS. I also want a rose BTA. Is that a BTA the clowns are in? They have some nice marroon clowns I want to get. I'm just waiting for all my perimeters to get "better". I always ask, show a FTS. ;-p Please!
  16. raddogz's Avatar
    If it holds skimmate that's really what counts. The only one who gets to see it is you when you empty it out, or unless you make it a point to show someone.
  17. Midnight's Avatar
    Hat you are right. And unfortunately the octo design has changed dramatically so the new cups would not work. One day I will talk my wife into letting me upgrade.
  18. melev's Avatar
    That reaction is called crazing, and is almost impossible to avoid. It should be fine though.
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    I'm glad it was fixable because skimmers are not cheap. ;-)
  20. Midnight's Avatar
    well its not pretty and I probably couldn't sell it but it holds water. Not sure if this is the same consistency as weld-on 16 but it is way runnier than I had expected.

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