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  1. Calcium Reactor input

    Hey I am putting this list together for Xmas and I am looking at to different calcium reactors and need some input:

    and also this one

    I have never had a calcium reactor before, so I can't begin to say which is more worth their value.
  2. Hope everyone has a great weekend

    I may or may not get online over the weekend and just wanted to wish everyone a great Turkey Day!

  3. New Additions

    Got three new additions for the tank. They are happy and healthy little guys, though their exact names I do not know.

    first is this guy

    then this one I think is encrusting montipora

    fraggle rock guy
    New Additions , ‎ Photography/Video
  4. android users

    So, I have an issue that may be phone or user problem. When I want to reply to a post, I have to be in advanced mode to post, when using my Android. I have the HTC Eris. When I click the button on regular mode it doesn't do a thing.
  5. Ordered Nextreef Reactor

    So, I have been battling this ugly purple/brown and green slime junk problem in my tank for a few months now. My tank is still fairly young about 8months old. I have a total of three fish and three corals and a Green bta. I feed only once a day, My nitrates and and phosphates are undetectable but the slime may be using it up. My chaeto is not growing that fast. So I have decided to try the EcoBak pellets in the Nextreef SMR1 reactor. I ordered the reactor through Marine Depot and the media ...
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