Blog Comments

  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Baker, the skimmer is a Reef Dynamics (formally Euro Reef) Ins 180. It is a hoss and generally over skims my set-up. I believe I will be upgrading soon to a larger system and will not need to replace the skimmer. The other thing I really like is the twisting collar that allows for zero clearance during skimmer cup removal.

    Blennyman, on the bottle it says you are allowed to do a water change and repeat the process. Not sure if that helps. The cloudiness could be from a spawning event.
    Updated 12-14-2011 at 05:45 AM by Midnight (spelling)
  2. blennyman's Avatar
    I just finished up with a chemi clean dosing myself. I found that after 48 hours, my RBTA and corals were getting noticeably pissed. The water started getting cloudy and I started getting nervous. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't wait for all of the cyano to be visibly gone before I turned on the skimmer to bring relief to the inverts. I read on here someone commenting about how chemi clean is a super safe treatment and that they've even witnessed spawning during treatment. I wonder if that's the kind of spawning stimulated by poor water quality... I'll be interested to hear about your experience.
  3. baker.shawn's Avatar
    this reminds me i really need to clean my skimmer....sigh..maybe monday lol

    just curious what skimmer that? it looks like a euro reef but it could also pass for a vertex or i could be totally off
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    The turkey was very moist and tasted wonderful. It actually pulled off the bones when we tried to cut it.
  5. melev's Avatar
    How did it taste? Dirty? hehe Your tank is looking good.
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    We did sides of beef in the ground when I was a kid
  7. adam's Avatar
    Oh misunderstood. Good luck I think getting a steady food source is the hardest part. At least I was for me
  8. Midnight's Avatar
    I use the Xenia as nutrient transport by trimming it every month or two. Prolly why I am having a hard time keeping macro algae alive.
  9. maroun.c's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by adam
    How can they start a colony without food? I suspect you cant find them because they all died. I was able to easily find them in my 55g.
    If you read further below you see that I added around 20-30 Aptasias from introducing them till now and all Aptasias are disappearing. Just added around 10 Aptasias 3 days ago and started a small tank with Aptasia to try to get a constant supply of food. the ones I received were very small around 0.5 cm so it is difficult to find them in the rocks. So far I have only seen one once at night munching on an aptasia.
  10. adam's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by maroun.c
    Got me 5 of those on an impulse buy when in UK 3 weeks back. Placed them in a cycled 10 G on their own to start a colony as I don't have any Aptasias..
    How can they start a colony without food? I suspect you cant find them because they all died. I was able to easily find them in my 55g.
  11. adam's Avatar
    I had horrible aptasia in my seahorse tank a couple years ago. I put 2 beghia in the tank an within a couple weeks I had less aptasia and more berghia. I started selling them to local hobbyist (cheaply) until I couldn't get enough aptasia. My tank was 100% aptasia free as well as my friends tank. So yep they work as long as nothing in the tank is eating them. They also need stable water especially salinity. Aclimate them slowly and place them on a rock next to a small aptasia. Better yet put a small aptasia in the bucket while aclimating. The need to eat often so if they don't find food quickly they will die. When eating properly they should be a brown color. White berghia are hungry berghia. Aptasia X Joe's juice all failed me. Breghia was the only thing that cured my out break. Good luck
  12. maroun.c's Avatar
    Got me 5 of those on an impulse buy when in UK 3 weeks back. Placed them in a cycled 10 G on their own to start a colony as I don't have any Aptasias. in the last 3 weeks I have added around 20-30 aptaisas to the tank and they all disappeared. I have even tried spot feeding the aptasias hoping they'll reproduce before getting eaten but so far with no luck. Can't really rely on getting aptasias from friends anymore as if they could take out more than they already gave me they would be ablet o take their aptasias out. So es they are abolute aptasias eaters. They will starve without those but I doubt they can release anything in the water when they die as many people use them to deal with their aptasia infestation and they starve and die in their tanks afterwards. I can't even find them in a 10 G tank so it's next to impossible to find them in a larger tank.
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Looking good MidNight!!
  14. cyano's Avatar
    I am this close to ripping out all of my xenia and replacing it with something a little more colorful myself, not to mention the guy i get my corals from is willing to do some frag trading so I can try to get rid of some green and brown
  15. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    About 8 months ago I bought 10 of them and put them in the tank. I also have a wrasse in the tank and I was well aware that chances were that he would pick them off one by one. But I was hoping that they would start to breed and multiply. A few months went by while the aiptasia slowly started to disappear but I noticed that it started to slow down until finally I couldn't see any signs of them anymore. So either the wrasse one out or the nudi's all died of natural causes.

    I guess if you didn't have fish that eat them they would tear up the aiptasia but unfortunately that wasn't my outcome.
  16. cyano's Avatar
    yes they are known to eat aiptasia and nudibranchs are very specific to what they eat, meaning if you don't have what they eat then they starve and die (some releasing very bad toxins into the water upon death) I think those particular ones do have some predators that we put in our tanks in the butterfly fish and wrasse families so you may want to check your stock against what you have and their known predators
  17. Midnight's Avatar
    They stay on their end of the tank. Xenia is the only coral that gets zapped. Since the xenia grows like a weed I don't mind.
  18. blennyman's Avatar
    That's downright good for a celly. How do your RBTAs mix with the coral? I'm always afraid of giving my nems too much 'walking room' for fear they'll nuke everything.
  19. cyano's Avatar
    not too shabby for a camera on a cellphone, now for the real camera shots
  20. melev's Avatar
    Here's my pH for the past seven days.

    Your pH and the tank temperature do correlate because the lights encourage photosynthesis. Oxygen levels rise, the pH rises. At the same time, the lights are also warming up the tank.

    In my Day 183 update, I showed how a computer fan helped reduce the tank's peak temperature.
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