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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Stocking help for the 75g

    The QT tank should finally be cycled this week hopefully... and I'm trying to decide what I'm doing as far as fish this time around.

    The tank will not be screened, but I do have a canopy going around it with fans shielded from the inside/out and mesh across the back, so I'm thinking I should be ok with some jump happy type critters like my old mandarin that decided to go hardwood floor surfing from the 29g. There's about a 3/4" gap from the top of the canopy to the light fixture, ...

    Updated 02-15-2011 at 09:35 PM by dread240

    Questions - Need some input
  2. 29 gallon death tank

    I swear, I can't keep fish to save my life.

    Willard my blenny is missing. No sign of him. One of my 2 cleanup crews is absolutely thorough as I can't find any trace of him in the tank or near it if he jumped. This weekends project was a screen top for it too after my green mandarin jumped a lil over a month ago

    The corals, 2 black clowns and gamma are doing fine. Water parameters are great, and I just looked at him yesterday and he had a full belly. Why for they no ...

    Updated 07-22-2010 at 01:47 AM by melev

    Questions - Need some input