Blog Comments

  1. teesquare's Avatar
    I like the concept - but the cost and recent Q.A. issues have kept me considering them seriously. 500g system has it's disadvantages......
    Currently I am running a sulphur de-nitrator, and GFO. The cost of GFO is much less now that we know we can re-charge it, and the sulphur lasts for years. So - it is a cheap appoach.
    I have recently set up a zeolite canister, and am dosing very light carbon, to grow the bacteria that would occur on the NP pellets as coral foods.
  2. melev's Avatar
    Sounds like your tank won't be a good test subject to see if the product works then, and the resulting coloration will be an arbitrary guesstimate on your part. Not that there is anything wrong with that. If you can see the difference and better yet show before and after pictures, that would be something others would be interested in. But without some physical characteristics that you can test and measure, it's hard to say what the product will or won't do.

    I'm going to contact P.A. to see what they have to say about my tank.
  3. bdare's Avatar
    Hey Marc,

    I'd like to say I'm doing weekly tests, but I've never had measurable amounts of Nitrate or Phosphate. (Don't hate me). From what I've read, the bacteria produced which consume the phosphate and nitrate are a food source for corals. My goal is to see more colorful fully expanded corals and eventually be able to remove GFO and maybe GAC from my reactor which I currently run 24/7.

  4. melev's Avatar
    It sounds like a dream come true. I'd like to hear more about it; I read the information on P.A. .5l per 100g, I'd need a big reactor to hold enough to give it a try on my system. I'm looking at probably 2 liters worth, or $212 -- although I could probably get by with 1.5 liters at first. It does state to replenish it in 3-6 months.

    Are you testing weekly? Be sure to update us with your personal results.
  5. bdare's Avatar
    I really am happy with the 150's. Coupled with the T5's the tank is pretty darn bright. I have 3 clams (derasa, crocea and maxima), a RBTA and a few remaining SPS which all seem very content. If I were JUST running MH I probably wouldn't like it as much. I actually started out with a single 250W Phoenix, but I didn't like that shadows in the corners and the funny growth from the corals on the side. I needed 2 MH, but I thought 2x250 would be too much.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Are you content with the 150w bulb output? This is your softy tank, right?

    I know you are in Texas, so I have to ask how it is that you have more than 60 minutes in your hour? hehe I know I don't.