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  1. Basic Frag Tank

    I know this subject has been discussed probably more than anyone can count, but I need to be sure on this. I have been fighting Maidens Hair, for almost a year now and it seems as though you simply can not kill this stuff while it's in the water. So I want to remove my coral, what I can save that is, and then remove my rock and nuke it.

    I have a 55 gal w/ a PM R30 fuge and a PM 100 skimmer. I have 7 small fish, 2 sand stars, 2 conchs, and 1 long tentacle anemone,plus the usual clean ...
  2. Maidens Hair and Fuge question

    We've been in the saltwater aquarium world for about a year now. We've made lots of mistakes and encountered lots of problems, Byropsis, Cyano Bacteria, mis-information and now we have Maidens Hair in the main tank.

    I've contacted several people and had a positive response from Indo-Pacific Sea Farms. The person I emailed back and forth with told me that their Reef Tank Tune Up crew should do the trick. Does anyone have experience in this area?

    We have a 55 gallon tank ...