I'd buy one!
I love it. But all calendars need to be assembled by August for September printings. Then they can go up for sale for a couple of months before the new year. Maybe I should have Jessy make a desktop calendar for RA members. Wait, she'd only use hunky guy pictures. Nevermind.
Just beautiful!
Hikari spirulina brine shrimp
What food are you using now?
Very nice! Beautiful Anthias.
Very sharp looking
I know I don't know what's going on with pics it's because I did it through my iPad I tried taking pics upside down and everything but it doesn't help
Your pictures are kind of upside/sideways. Must be the orientation of how you took the picture with your smartphone. But it's always good to hear how your tank is doing.
Very nice!
My favorite has to be Spock. She's been with me a very long time, and is quite personable.
Yes, that is a war coral. Favia to be exact. Meteor Shower is most often the nickname for Cyphastrea, which has a different look entirely. My favorite coral has been the Tyree A. valida for a long time. And like many corals, they seem to be their prettiest when still small.
Yep, but I think it is a war coral, according to marc
Originally Posted by Midnight You know you're not allowed to start a blog without pictures! did that meteor shower start growing down below all on its own?
Here is mine is a multi color birds nest very pretty pink neon green yellow.
You know you're not allowed to start a blog without pictures!
You can get a replacement chiller drum and change it out a lot of the titanium tubing leaks from not being welded correctly
i have a jbj with a leak that seems to be in the titanium exchanger...... any way to fix that. i do hvac so i have a "sniffer" only place it goes off and only last a month after each refill of refridgerant.