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  1. PH Level

    After getting my new Apex controller I have been watching my Ph readings for the first time, and I have noticed that my Ph has a range of 7.9-8.1. I have to assume that my ph has always been around this number and just didn't know it. i have done some searching and have found many different answers to this question. Some say it should be in the 8.1-8.3 range and low readings are due to low Alk or a high carbon dioxide level in the tank/house, others say that any real level is ok as long as it stable. ...
  2. Reef Chemistry

    So lately I have been adding a lot of new corals to my tank, which is technically only 4 months old after a major tank crash, and with testing my water chemistry I have found my calcium is really high at around 500-560ppm in the last week, with an Alkalinity reading of 6-7dkh. I have been dosing the tank with Randy's 2 part Alkalinity recipe. I have been adding around 200-240ml of my Alkalinity solution a day for the last 5 days and have seen almost no increase in my Alkalinity. I expected to see ...