Blog Comments

  1. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    All of the corals were frags, some larger then others, but no full colonies. New test kits arrive tuesday and I plan to retest the water then. All inhabitants appear to be doing ok at the moment so I am not too worried.
  2. melev's Avatar
    When you say you've added a lot of corals, that is always relative to size/mass of the corals. If you have some really big pieces that suck up the calcium, the demand will be more than with smaller pieces. Also, your water changes may provide quite a bit of Ca if the saltmix comes that way.

    As always, double check your values with a second kit or a second opinion (like having a hobbyist or LFS test your water with their kits for comparison).
  3. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    I have not been dosing Calcium for 2 weeks now, and my salinity is 1.025sg I will to check my Mag to see were it is at.
  4. melev's Avatar
    And I would stop dosing calcium for the next three days and test to see if it drops down to more normal standards. It'll probably take about a week to bring it back down to 425-450ppm.

    Also, double check that the water is truly 1.026sg as that will affect alkalinity numbers.

    Be sure to pour in the alkalinity very slowly in an area of higher flow. You don't want it to turn to flakes as soon as it hits the water.
  5. johnbanks's Avatar
    i'm not that experiences with chemistry but you might want to test you magnesium levels and raise them to about 1350. this should help balance/keep your alkalinity in line.

    hope this helps and let us know what happens

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