Fish additions
, 09-22-2012 at 02:59 PM (7148 Views)
Time to bring my tank build up to date as I haven't updated since 8 months!!!
to start with the tank was started on Jan 3rd with a diner gathering of 3 best friends and reefers and we added some of the fish.
Since then my assistants were in charge of introducing all fish:
Hyppo tang, Dominant tang and luckily not really aggressive against the other tangs.
Yellow tangs,
Purple tang
Whip fin wrass. Always putting on a hell of a show of colours and shapes by stretching and fighting with its reflection. Was a but aggressive on other wrasses at first but now aggression is very rare.
Solorensis:Changed colours and colored up nicely since I added it, its finally getting the reddish dorsal fin.
One lone Stocky anthia, many others to join when tank matures a bit
All above fish except for the purple tang were in my previous 150 G tank.
1st feeding:
And FTS from Jan 2012
Not sure if I posted these here, but the mjain event for FEb was the spawning of my fire shrimps
I then stopped adding fish as the tank started going through cycles of diatoms and then algea and then some algea and finally cyano most probably fed by the vodka dosing. althogh my underated skimmer was doing a good job
The worst the tank reached was this much cyano, luckily it was only onthe sand and not the rocks as I had fears the ceramics would have phosphates and feed cyano on them which never happened.
At this stage I shut the lights for 3 days and stopped dosing vodka and tank looked like this for weeks afterwards:
Around April I scored a Leapard wrass (Macropharyngodon Ornatus) from a trip to Holland ( we rarely get those here so to find a quarantined and healthy one made it a very ijmportant addition. Still looking for an anampses melagreadis.
Gramma Loretto from holland as well.
1 Pseudochromis fridmani I found in dubai, Still looking for a second one to add
Couple of Lubboks fairy wrass (Cirrhilabrus lubbocki) they were harrassed by my whip fin wrass but not that severly and one of them didn't make it. making it the first fatality in this tank)
In June I added the followings:
Yellow cories wrass, might add a couple more as well.
and 3 Paracheilinus filamentosus -filamented flasher wrass 2 males and 1 female
Lost the first male a few weeks post addition and the second one yesterday after looking skinny for weeks. the female is doing good and I'm hoping it'll turn male.