A taste of Basel, Switzerland - Part 4
, 06-26-2011 at 05:23 PM (7785 Views)
I was in Basel for barely three days before it was time for us to head into Inner Schweitz. I made the most of my time there, taking off on foot to walk to some of my favorite places growing up. Instead of taking a tram and getting there in 15 minutes, it was more relaxing to walk at my own pace, frame the shots I hoped to get, and just take it all in.
From Swissotel north of Claraplatz (Clara Place), I walked all the way to Theatergasse (Theater Alley) (2 km). Today's pictures feature those couple of hours.
Of course, what caught my eye repeatedly were delicious things to eat. Or to think about eating. When you think of a cup of hot cocoa, how much powder do you usually add? hehe I remember as a kid dipping bread in my cup of heisse schoki - I need to do that again!
As you walk down charming narrow streets that feel more like alleyways, you may not think about how the stone roads were made. The Swiss, however, continue to keep them in good condition, rebuilding what needs doing.
Looking at the rocks on site, it appears that each one is hewn into the desired shape.
I forgot the name of this little dragon that adorns many locations. This one topped a fountain. But I found the matching picture via Google with this description: "Since the 15th century, the emblem holder (of Basel) has been a mythical creature: the Basilisk. It has the shape of a rooster with an eagle's beacon, dragon wings and a lizard's tail."
The Rhein river from a couple of vantage points
The ferry that takes you across the Rhein river is more for fun that for a true purpose, although some locals will definitely use this method over crossing a bridge. The ferry's captain accepts a couple of Swiss franks as tip. The ferry uses no motor, simply a rudder that steers against the river's current as it travels along a cable that spans above.
In the center of the bridge, this small niche houses some flowers within.
Once over the bridge, I was at Schifflände (Boat Landing). The Lalli Konig restaurant has been here forever.
I was told his tongue used to poke in and out, poking fun at passerbys. I don't think it was moving that day.
Within a couple of minutes, I was back at Marktplatz, but since I discussed it in a previous blog I won't dwell on it further.
Gotta love a blue sky with puffy white clouds as a backdrop.
Lots of bicycles are used. In one of the papers I read there, one article discussed how vastly popular it has become for getting around.
I took a lap through Freiestrasse (Free Road) where tons of shoppers can walk freely with limited traffic, if any.
There are various musicians or entertainers on these busy streets, hoping for a little loose change.
I don't even know where to start with this one. Can anyone say "creepy" with me?
A free outdoor concert called "Imagine" was going on, but I couldn't figure out its purpose. I didn't stick around too long as I was on the move.
Here's one view of Barfüsserplatz (Barefoot Place), an important hub when traveling through this part of Basel.
Heading up to Mustermesse (Cultural Fair), this fountain is filled with perpetual motion devices made to entertain. Some outdoor modern art is nearby.
On Theater Strasse, a street with multiple movie theaters, there are no limits to shop, eat, or simply relax. People sit either under retractable awnings or enjoy a little sun.
Window shoppers sometimes have to look up to see what's available.
Ice cream in Switzerland is delicious. It is very rich by comparison to what we have in the U.S.
It seems like every shop has stuff on sale, "marked down" or otherwise a deal not to be passed up.
They are showing the same movies we are currently: X-men First Class, Hangover 2, Cars 2, Mr Popper's Penguins. Seating is assigned when you purchase a ticket; you don't get to sit anywhere. Halfway into the movie, an intermission occurs to grab a treat, use the restroom or smoke a cigarrette. Some may do all three.
Transformers 3 & Larry Crowne were showing at the Rex.
The view toward Barfüsserplatz.
Handy mannequins?
On my way back to Freiestrasse, I saw this guy roll by.
There is one more entry to come with the last of Basel, then I'll be sharing some of my trip into what is really Switzerland without the bustle of city life. The country is beautiful, and the people are so nice.