Preparing food with fresh seafood, Cyclop-eeze and nori
, 05-02-2011 at 08:29 PM (2241 Views)
Today it was 'cooking for my fishies' time :-)
Last week I bought a fresh seafood pack at the market then froze it for a few days to kill pathogens. I unfroze it in the fridge from yesterday to today, and tonight ground it to a paste with some Cyclop-eeze, nori and some gelatin.
Pictures of the 'cooking':
My kid helping me press it into a thin sheet for freezing:
We gave the fish a little to see their reaction.... they weren't too enthusiastic for the first minute but then we gradully saw all of them eating it so I guess they liked it. Gotta watch the skimer and nitrates now to see if the portion we gave (small but maybe too much, roughly 1/8 tsp) will affect water quality.